Things To Do Review

Monte Igueldo Tower, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
editor's rating

Rating: 7

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Paseo del Faro, 20008
Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
43° 19' 11.25'' N,
2° 0' 21.82'' W
Breathtaking views, Observation points, Towers
"Built originally as a lighthouse, nowdays it's an astonishing, view point."

If you drive the difficult road towards Monte Igueldo, you might as well go up the 18th-century Torreón de Igeldo (Monte Igueldo Tower). Built originally as a lighthouse, nowadays it's an observation point for some panoramic views. It was build for Marine purposes hundreds of years ago but still remains intact. You will walk the old stoned building 5 stories high (at least) to arrive to a round area with windows around. It is indeed astonishing. Catch one fine view from a 360° view point at the top of the mountain.

Again a small fee (€4), but it is a striking effect up there. The views from the top of Monte Igueldo are amazing.

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