Things To Do Review

Place d’Armes, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
editor's rating

Rating: 6

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Place d’Armes
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
49° 36' 41.32'' N,
6° 7' 46.8'' E

Area centers, Tourist areas, Squares
"Heavily croweded with tourists, cafes, and restaurants."

Place d'Armes, Luxembourg City's, central square, is packed with numerous outdoor restaurants, cafes and thousands of tourists. It is a highly touristic area with the relevant noise and overpricing. Best enjoyed in the Summer months of course.

The area is pedestrian and no cars come and go (expect those who have business there or stay at the hotel Place d' Armes).

Occasionally, it also hosts concerts from visiting bands. Every second and fourth Saturday of the month, there is a flea market and if you happen to visit in December there's the Christmas market.

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