Things To Do Review

Valkenburg Center, Valkenburg aan de Geul, Netherlands
editor's rating

Rating: 7

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Valkenburg aan de Geul, Netherlands
50° 51' 54.83'' N,
5° 49' 55.39'' E

Area centers
"Bicycle city, famous retreat area for Dutch people of all ages."

Valkenburg is a famous, cosmopolitan retreat and resort area for Dutch people of all ages. Besides the hundreds of cafes and tourist restaurants and hotels, its beautiful location and perfect Summer weather is ideal for bicyclists. It is a bicyclists paradise. So if you are driving, watch out. It's their road.

The natural Green spreads behind the Valkenburg city and is a wonder of nature. Can you imagine the walks in this serene landscape, lined by streams of running water? The caves are also a famous attraction, as well as fairs for kids in the summer, and a multifunctional sports arena.

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